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          “Thanks to precise reporting and planning, sales increased by more than 15%. Labor went down from 20% to 18%, while paying employees up to $2.00 more per hour.”

          +15% Sales      -2% Labor

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          “By offering incentives based on forecasts, zignyl proved to be an overnight success for our top line sales. [We] pay employees a highly competitive hourly rate and are now THE place to work in the mall!

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From Pretzels to Race Cars: How Matt Forbush Achieved Success on His Own Terms

In the world of entrepreneurship and business, there are countless success stories that inspire and motivate us. One such story is that of Matt Forbush, a successful entrepreneur who started from the bottom and worked his way up. His fascinating journey took him from the bustling world of food franchises to the thrilling field of race car driving. Matt’s story is a testament to dedication, determination, and the relentless pursuit of one’s dreams.

Starting Out in the Franchise World

Matt’s entrepreneurial journey started in the franchise operations. His first venture was with Auntie Anne’s, a popular pretzel shop found in malls and airports. Over the next 12 years, Matt owned and operated multiple franchises of Auntie Anne’s, Cinnabon, and Otter’s Chicken Tenders, and even worked at management levels with other notable franchises like Chick Fil A and Firehouse Subs.

What set Matt apart was his hands-on approach to his business. He started from the ground up, learning every aspect of the franchise industry. From working the drive-thru to managing teams, Matt became well-acquainted with the ins and outs of his businesses. This experience equipped him with the knowledge and skills to innovate and improve upon existing business models.

The Birth of zignal

Matt’s vast experience in the franchise industry led him to identify a gap in the market. He saw the need for a software platform that could help franchisees manage their businesses more effectively. Thus, zignal was born. zignal, spelled Z-I-G-N-Y-L, is a software designed by franchisees for franchisees. It is a testament to Matt’s innovative spirit and his deep understanding of the franchise industry.

Pursuing a Passion for Race Car Driving

While building his franchise empire and developing zignal, Matt was also nurturing a passion for race car driving. Growing up around professional race car drivers, Matt had always aspired to be one. He turned this aspiration into reality when he formed Corpus Performance, a race car team based in Memphis.

The thrill of the sport and the camaraderie of his team brought a whole new dimension to Matt’s life. Even as he managed his businesses, Matt made time to pursue his racing dreams, proving that success in business and personal passions can coexist.

Matt Forbush’s journey from pretzels to race cars is a testament to his relentless pursuit of success. His story is a perfect example of how one can maximize their potential and achieve their dreams. Matt’s journey shows us that success can come in many forms – from building a successful business, to pursuing a passion, to raising a family.

Ultimately, success, according to Matt, is about ‘maximizing your potential.’ Whether it’s in the world of pretzel franchises, software development, or race car driving, Matt has proven time and time again that he is a master at maximizing his potential, making the most out of every opportunity that comes his way.

In the end, Matt’s story reminds us that success is not a destination, but a journey. It’s about constantly learning, growing, and pushing the boundaries of what we believe is possible. It’s about striving to be the best version of ourselves, in business and in life. And most importantly, it’s about doing so on our own terms.

Schedule your free discovery session to find out how.

Let’s explore how you can drive sales, reduce busy work and grow your business. zignyl will help you grow your franchise without the busy work.

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