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          “Thanks to precise reporting and planning, sales increased by more than 15%. Labor went down from 20% to 18%, while paying employees up to $2.00 more per hour.”

          +15% Sales      -2% Labor

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        • Success Story

          “By offering incentives based on forecasts, zignyl proved to be an overnight success for our top line sales. [We] pay employees a highly competitive hourly rate and are now THE place to work in the mall!

          +15% Sales

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Matt Forbush: The Mastermind Behind zignyl

In today’s fast-paced business world, restaurant owners are constantly looking for ways to streamline operations, improve efficiency and increase profitability. With the advent of technology, a new wave of solutions has emerged that offer promising potential. In this post, we delve into the ingenious mind of Matt Forbush, the founder and CEO of zignyl, and his innovative software designed to revolutionize the restaurant industry.

The Genesis of zignyl

Matt Forbush’s journey to creating zignyl began with his first-hand experience as a franchisee for Annie Anne’s. Recognizing the potential of incentivizing employees to drive sales, he developed a system that rewarded employees with an extra 25¢ per hour if they exceeded the day’s sales goal. This was the rudimentary foundation of zignyl.

Over time, Matt added more features to his system, incorporating elements of scheduling, task management, and human resources. The result was a comprehensive workforce task management software designed to handle all major functions of franchise operations.

The Power of Incentives.

One of the key features of zignyl is its incentive program. The program is designed to motivate employees to perform better by offering them the opportunity to earn more if they exceed certain sales thresholds. This not only promotes a sense of teamwork among employees but also gives them a sense of ownership and commitment towards the business.

In the current climate, where restaurants are grappling with labor issues and rising wages, zignyl’s incentive program presents a viable solution. By offering employees the possibility to earn more based on their performance, restaurant owners are able to effectively manage labor costs while still attracting and retaining qualified staff.

The Advantages of Technology in Restaurant Management

zignyl is more than just an incentive program. It functions as a comprehensive solution for restaurant management, incorporating features that allow owners to effectively manage all aspects of their business. From scheduling and task management to forecasting and sales incentives, zignyl provides a one-stop solution.

What sets zignyl apart is its ability to visualize data. By transforming numbers into easy-to-understand visual representations, zignyl allows restaurant owners to quickly identify red flags and areas that need attention. This helps them to make informed decisions and improve their operations.

Matt Forbush’s zignyl is a testament to the power of technology in revolutionizing industries. By combining his experience as a franchisee with innovative software solutions, he has created a tool that not only addresses the current challenges faced by restaurant owners but also provides a blueprint for future growth and success.

As the restaurant industry continues to evolve, tools like zignyl will become increasingly important. By embracing such innovations, restaurant owners can ensure they stay competitive, improve their operations, and ultimately, increase their profitability.

Schedule your free discovery session to find out how.

Let’s explore how you can drive sales, reduce busy work and grow your business. zignyl will help you grow your franchise without the busy work.

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